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Fourth and final in the line up. A pretty fun trip, good sign posting, generous check points, a challenge finally puzzle. The ending felt a littl meh, but the rest fell good. Some big M Stain vibes going on here.

Very enjoyable, keep up the good work!

Am I the only one  that gets a black screen after the loading screen. The game is working but everything is black

I’m not sure exactly what that would be, but I’ll look into it. Did you play it on windows or Linux?


The game looks really good, i hope it is a easy fix :)

A very unique take on horror with a different setting - liked it a lot! 

There are elements of this game, which were executed perfectly. I was a huge fan of the AI chasing us and the overall sequence with the electricity and platforming reminded me of "Half Life". Great job! 

Best of luck with the future games! 

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it! 

I just realized you were the developer behind "Mother In Law", which I played on the channel. Wow friend! Great work. Definitely following you rn! 


Thanks, I appreciate it!

 cool game


Cool game!

Thank you!